Why Hot Drinks Machines Are the Work Perk That Pays

Posted by Paula Poots on

Why Hot Drinks Machines Are the Work Perk That Pays

Workplace perks are having a moment. Big companies offer up images of rooms full of games, massage chairs & yoga classes. Attracting talented employees isn't easy so providing good work perks is no longer something that can be overlooked but which work perks offer good value for money? 

Sometimes its the simple work perks that mean the most. Studies have shown that free food and drinks are often what makes employees happiest but have you considered how having a free hot drinks machine in the workplace may actually save you money?

Boost Productivity 

How much time do your staff spend outside of the workplace on coffee runs? Coffee from the local café is costing them a pretty penny but its also costing you precious work minutes. How much time & productivity could be saved if they could just walk to the other side of the office to a hot drinks machine and grab a cup of their favourite brew any time they wanted? 

Tired, grumpy & unmotivated employees are not known for their work quality. We all know that caffeine perks us up but it also helps us with our memory recall and accuracy and can put them in a better mood. All of which is conducive to increased productivity.

Having a common area for people to enjoy their coffee together increases sociability. Maybe at first glance this doesn't seem productive but staff from different departments mixing creates a creative brew. They exchange thoughts and ideas and it keeps them excited about their work. 

Give Them A Break

A lot of employers put a higher value on the employee who never stops or looks up from their work but are they really firing on all cylinders? How many mistakes are they making? The quality of their work is probably suffering.

Taking breaks helps us refresh our minds and aids focus. Using productivity methods such as the Pomodoro technique, which encourages looking away from your work periodically gets results, so start valuing quality of work minutes over quantity of work minutes. Give them a break.....or two or three. 


Out of all the potential work perks offering free hot drinks is probably also the easiest on your pocket. At Office Barista we offer fair and competitive pricing on our hot drinks machines and we offer hassle free rental, leasing and operated agreements to ensure businesses get exactly the equipment that they need. 

Interested in talking about which hot drinks machine is right for your business to improve productivity? Just get in touch